
Searching for a taxonomic name of Milichiidae or associated taxa as well as searching for keywords will find the respective term as well as all child terms, e.g. searching for "Europe" will find citations about "Spain", "Finland", etc.

Name as cited Taxonomic name Keywords Associated taxa Bibliographysort descending Page Year of Publication
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Mallochiella glabra Madiza glabra Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Mallochiella halteralis Leptometopa halteralis Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Milichiella arcuata Milichiella arcuata Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Milichiella lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Pholeomyia indecora Pholeomyia indecora Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Phyllomyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis Massachusetts A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts 157 1930
Milichia speciosa Milichia speciosa Marocco Contribution à l'étude des diptères du Maroc 180 1930
Hypaspistomyia Leptometopa citation Notes on the synonymy of Diptera, No. 4 26 1930
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes New York Report on the Diptera collected at the station for the study of insects, Harriman Interstate Park, N. Y 81 1930
Mallochiella halteralis Leptometopa halteralis New York Report on the Diptera collected at the station for the study of insects, Harriman Interstate Park, N. Y 81 1930
Hypaspistomyia Leptometopa synonymization Kritische und synonymische Bemerkungen über Dipteren 12 1931
Cnemoplegas Leptometopa synonymization Neue ägyptische Dipteren aus der Gruppe der acalyptraten Musciden, gesammelt von Prof. Efflatoun Bey 12 1931
Desmometopina Leptometopa synonymization Neue ägyptische Dipteren aus der Gruppe der acalyptraten Musciden, gesammelt von Prof. Efflatoun Bey 12 1931
Milichiella lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Australia Notes on Australian Diptera. No. xxvii 77 1931
Desmometopa sordida Desmometopa sordida citation Notes on the biology of spiders. VII. Flies that triumph over spiders 472 1931
Milichiella lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Puerto Rico First supplement to the 'Diptera of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands' 14 1931
Milichiella argyropasta Milichiella argyrogaster misspelling New acalyptrate Diptera from the Pacific and Oriental Regions 398 1931
Milichiella circularis Milichiella circularis near compost, in pineapple field Ananas comosus New acalyptrate Diptera from the Pacific and Oriental Regions 397 1931
Milichiella tiefi Milichiella argyrogaster citation New acalyptrate Diptera from the Pacific and Oriental Regions 398 1931
Pholeomyia Pholeomyia synonyms Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition. 1925/26. Diptera XXX-XXXVI 134 1932
Rhynchomilichia Pholeomyia synonymization Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition. 1925/26. Diptera XXX-XXXVI 134 1932
Pseudomilichia Pholeomyia synonymization Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition. 1925/26. Diptera XXX-XXXVI 135 1932
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes Quebec A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec - Part II, Diptera (two-winged flies). Revised and supplemented 62 1932
Desmometopa m-nigrum Quebec A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec - Part II, Diptera (two-winged flies). Revised and supplemented 62 1932
Desmometopa sordida Quebec A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec - Part II, Diptera (two-winged flies). Revised and supplemented 62 1932
Madiza glabra Quebec A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec - Part II, Diptera (two-winged flies). Revised and supplemented 60 1932
Mallochiella halteralis Quebec A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec - Part II, Diptera (two-winged flies). Revised and supplemented 62 1932
Hypaspistomyia sp. Leptometopa Marquesas Islands Some acalyptrate Diptera from the Marquesas Islands. Marquesan Insects - II 3 1933
Milichiella lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Marquesas Islands Some acalyptrate Diptera from the Marquesas Islands. Marquesan Insects - II 3 1933
Leptometopa Leptometopa checklist Neue acalyptrate Musciden aus der paläarktischen Region (Dipt.) 55 1933
Milichia albohalterata Milichiella lacteipennis Mozambique Contributions à l'étude de la faune du Mozambique. Voyage de M.M. Lesne (1928-1929) 13e note. - Diptères (2e partie) 50 1933
Hypaspistomyia latipes Leptometopa latipes China Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas, unter Leitung von Dr. Sven Hedin und Prof. Sü Ping-chang. Insekten ges. v. schwed. Arzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927-1930. 13. Diptera. 5. Muscaria holom 17 1934
Madiza glabra Madiza glabra China Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas, unter Leitung von Dr. Sven Hedin und Prof. Sü Ping-chang. Insekten ges. v. schwed. Arzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927-1930. 13. Diptera. 5. Muscaria holom 17 1934
Madiza glabra Madiza glabra Utah Some Cache Valley Utah insects 246 1934
Milichia speciosa Milichia speciosa Spain Diptères d'Espagne. Etude systématique basée principalement sur collections formées par le R. P. Longin Navás, S. J 49 1934
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Galapagos The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932 162 1934
Pholeomyia aequatorialis Pholeomyia aequatorialis figure of head Etude sur quelques Muscides de l'Amérique Latine 14 1934
Eccoptomma frontale Milichiella frontalis variation in microtomentum on tergites, swarming, Argentina (Rio Negro), Chile Acalyptrata (concluded) 463 1934
Rhynchomilichia Pholeomyia probably synonym of Pholeomyia Acalyptrata (concluded) 462 1934
Desmometopa palpalis Desmometopa singaporensis figure of palpus, reared from bird faeces, Samoa, figure of male head Gallus gallus domesticus Acalyptrata (concluded) 327 1934
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Chile Acalyptrata (concluded) 464 1934
Milichiella lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Chile Acalyptrata (concluded) 464 1934
Paramyia nitens Paramyia nitens Chile Acalyptrata (concluded) 465 1934
Milichiella lucidula Milichiella lucidula Argentina Acalyptrata (concluded) 464 1934
Pholeomyia schineri Pholeomyia schineri Argentina Acalyptrata (concluded) 463 1934
Desmomyza confusa Madiza glabra original species description, figure of head, figure of wing, New York Family Phyllomyzidae 338 1934
Desmomyza Madiza original genus description Family Phyllomyzidae 338 1934
Phyllomyzidae Milichiidae figures, key to genera, Nearctic, introduction to family Family Phyllomyzidae 334 1934
Aldrichiella agromyzina Aldrichiomyza agromyzina citation Family Phyllomyzidae 335 1934


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith