
Searching for a taxonomic name of Milichiidae or associated taxa as well as searching for keywords will find the respective term as well as all child terms, e.g. searching for "Europe" will find citations about "Spain", "Finland", etc.

Name as citedsort ascending Taxonomic name Keywords Associated taxa Bibliography Page Year of Publication
Phyllomyza glossophyllusa Phyllomyza glossophyllusa China, figure of head, figure of male terminalia, figure of wing, original species description Four new species of Phyllomyza Fallén (Diptera: Milichiidae), with an updated key from China 312 2018
Phyllomyza fuscusa Phyllomyza fuscusa original species description, key to species (males), China, photo of male head, photo of wing, figure of male postabdomen Phyllomyza Fallén (Diptera: Milichiidae) from Yunnan with description of four new species 34 2016
Phyllomyza fuscogrisea Phyllomyza fuscogrisea catalog, combination, Afrotropical 75. Family Milichiidae 687 1980
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae checklist, Denmark Milichiidae 202 2001
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Czech Republic, faunistics Milichiidae 316 2005
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Finland, checklist Checklist of the Diptera families Acartophthalmidae, Canacidae (including Tethinidae), Carnidae and Milichiidae of Finland (Insecta) 307 2014
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae citation 49. Family Milichiidae (=Phyllomyzidae) 225 1987
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae checklist, Czech Republic, Slovakia Milichiidae Schiner, 1862 2006
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae checklist, United Kingdom A check list of British insects 403 1945
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae checklist, United Kingdom A check list of British insects. Second Edition (Completely revised). Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera 87 1976
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae figure of head, Switzerland, figure of puparium, Denmark, myrmecophilous Formica rufa Milichiidae et Carnidae 13, 33 1937
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Finland, checklist 49. Family Milichiidae (=Phyllomyzidae) 30 1987
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae catalog, Palaearctic Family Milichiidae + Carnidae 117 1984
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae citation Formica rufa Die Larvenformen der Dipteren. 3. Teil 282 1952
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae United Kingdom, myrmecophilous Formica rufa The guests of British ants: their habits and life-histories 135 1927
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Czech Republic, red list Milichiidae (zavalitkoviti) 338 2005
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Norway, canopy fogging Pinus sylvestris The arthropod community of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) canopies in Norway 87 2004
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae checklist, Netherlands Family Milichiidae 286 2002
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae citation Morphology and evolution of flies’ eggs (Diptera) [in Russian] 100 2003
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Czech Republic, Slovakia, in pan trap, in car net, on flowers Asteraceae Fourth supplement to the acalyptrate Diptera fauna of the Czech Republic and Slovakia 21 1996
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Finland, Denmark Faunistic notes on Scandinavian Diptera Brachycera 235 1971
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae checklist, United Kingdom Milichiidae 143 1998
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Czech Republic Milichiidae 390 2001
Phyllomyza formicae Phyllomyza formicae Slovakia Milichiidae 245 2009
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Hungary 72. család: Milichiidae + Carnidae 122 1978
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Slovakia Nové nebo faunisticky zajímaví nálazy druhu celedi Milichiidae a Carnidae (Diptera) z Ceskoslovenska 18 1984
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Austria, in meadow Die Dipteren von Steiermark 136 1894
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Austria Dipterologische Funde um Seitenstetten. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna Nieder-Österreichs 37 1880
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis citation I ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classificazione naturale 1314 1863
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis checklist, United Kingdom A check list of British insects 403 1945
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis catalog, Andorra Milichiidae 174 2002
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Switzerland Zur Fauna ausgewählter Fliegenfamilien (Diptera, Brachycera) im Naturschutzgebiet Wildenstein bei Bubendorf (Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Schweiz) 59 2005
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Andorra Citas nuevas de dipteros para la Peninsula Ibérica y Andorra (Diptera: Orthorrhapha y Cyclorrhapha) 174 2003
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis checklist, Czech Republic, Slovakia Milichiidae Schiner, 1862 2006
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis checklist, United Kingdom A check list of British insects. Second Edition (Completely revised). Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera 87 1976
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis collecting methods, Germany To the knowledge of Carnidae and Milichiidae, especially of central Germany 8 2007
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Germany, France, combination Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères 614 1835
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Belgium Diptères de la Belgique 70 1906
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Meigen Germany Die artenarmen Familien der acalyptraten Zweifluegler in Niedersachsen und Bremen (Diptera: Acalyptratae). [The species-poor families of the acalyptrate flies in Lower Saxony and Bremen (Diptera: Acalyptratae).] 91 2009
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis catalog, Palaearctic Family Milichiidae + Carnidae 117 1984
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis catalog, Slovakia Celad: Milichiidae 184 1986
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis species description, Germany Die Fliegen (Diptera). II. Theil 312 1864
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis diagnosis, discussion of synonymy Milichiidae et Carnidae 34 1937
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Czech Republic, red list Milichiidae (zavalitkoviti) 338 2005
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis catalog, France Catalogue des diptères de France 50 1887
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis type information, discussion Die Meigen'schen Typen der sogenannten Muscidae acalypterae (Muscaria holometopa) in Paris und Wien 339 1902
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Germany Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora) 13 2000
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis discussion, Austria Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag 214 1910
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Slovakia, Czech Republic, checklist Milichiidae 262 1987
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Germany Uebersicht der in Mecklenburg bis jetzt beobachteten Fliegen (Diptera). Erste Abtheilung 102 1873


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith