
Searching for a taxonomic name of Milichiidae or associated taxa as well as searching for keywords will find the respective term as well as all child terms, e.g. searching for "Europe" will find citations about "Spain", "Finland", etc.

Name as cited Taxonomic name Keywords Associated taxa Bibliographysort descending Page Year of Publication
Phyllomyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis catalog, Palaearctic Cyclorrhapha Schizophora: Holometopa 238 1905
Stenoporomyia tiefii catalog, Palaearctic Cyclorrhapha Schizophora: Holometopa 238 1905
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes Connecticut, on plant Ribes oxyacanthoides, Ribes rubrum Insects collected from the flowers of fruit trees and plants 211-212 1905
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Connecticut, on plant Ribes oxyacanthoides, Ribes rubrum Insects collected from the flowers of fruit trees and plants 211-212 1905
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes Kansas Contributions towards a catalogue of the insects of Kansas 201 1906
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Kansas Contributions towards a catalogue of the insects of Kansas 201 1906
Ophthalmomyia lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Kansas Contributions towards a catalogue of the insects of Kansas 201 1906
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida Belgium Diptères de la Belgique 69 1906
Madiza glabra Madiza glabra Belgium Diptères de la Belgique 60 1906
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Belgium Diptères de la Belgique 70 1906
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Sweden, Finland, Norway, kleptoparasitic on spider, experiments Misumena vatia Om Desmometopa-arternas snyltgästning hos spindlar och rofinsecter 100 1906
Desmometopa M-atrum Desmometopa sordida citation, kleptoparasitic, Finland, on spider, experiments Misumena vatia Om Desmometopa-arternas snyltgästning hos spindlar och rofinsecter 100 1906
Desmometopa minutissima Neophyllomyza wulpi citation Om Desmometopa-arternas snyltgästning hos spindlar och rofinsecter 100 1906
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes Spain Spanische Dipteren II 376 1906
Desmometopa M-atrum Desmometopa sordida Spain Spanische Dipteren II 376 1906
Desmometopa M-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain Spanische Dipteren II 376 1906
Desmometopa niloticum Desmometopa m-nigrum pollinating, Cameroon Abrame angustum L. J. Einige von Herrn Dr. Winkler in Victoria, Kamerun, gesammelte Dipteren 332 1906
Milichia unicolor Milichiella unicolor pollinating Abrame angustum L. J. Einige von Herrn Dr. Winkler in Victoria, Kamerun, gesammelte Dipteren 333 1906
Desmometopa tarsalis Desmometopa varipalpis synonymization Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien 242 1907
Desmometopa singaporensis Desmometopa singaporensis synonymization Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien 242 1907
Desmometopa singaporensis Desmometopa varipalpis Yemen, Egypt Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien 242 1907
Leptometopa rufifrons Leptometopa rufifrons Yemen, description of male, discussion of male hind tibia Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien 237 1907
Madizinae Madizinae checklist Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien 242 1907
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes Kansas Some results of desultory collecting of insects in Kansas and Colorado 107 1907
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Kansas Some results of desultory collecting of insects in Kansas and Colorado 107 1907
Ophthalmomyia lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis Kansas Some results of desultory collecting of insects in Kansas and Colorado 107 1907
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum type information, descriptive notes _Desmometopa_ 2 1907
Desmometopa sordida Desmometopa sordida type information _Desmometopa_ 2 1907
Desmometopa niloticum Desmometopa m-nigrum discussion, synonymy _Desmometopa_ 2 1907
Desmometopa flavipes Phyllomyza securicornis synonymization _Desmometopa_ 5 1907
Desmometopa simplicipes Leptometopa niveipennis original species description, Netherlands _Desmometopa_ 4 1907
Desmometopa latipes Leptometopa latipes discussion _Desmometopa_ 4 1907
Leptometopa rufifrons Leptometopa rufifrons China (Tian Shan) Zur Kenntnis der Dipteren von Central-Asien. I. Cyclorrhapha schizophora holometopa und Orthorrhapha brachycera. Mit Taf. I-II 59 1907
Pholeomyia leucozona Pholeomyia leucozona in cave Ulteriori notizie sulla ditterofauna delle caverne 186 1907
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Tunisia Die Ergebnisse meiner dipterologischen Frühjahrsreise nach Algier und Tunis 1906 406 1907
Leptometopa rufifrons Leptometopa rufifrons Algeria, description of male Die Ergebnisse meiner dipterologischen Frühjahrsreise nach Algier und Tunis 1906 402 1907
Phyllomyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis United Kingdom A preliminary list of Herfordshire Diptera 274 1908
Phyllomyza tarsalis [?] Phyllomyza United Kingdom A preliminary list of Herfordshire Diptera 274 1908
Ophthalmomyia lacteipennis Milichiella lacteipennis figure of wing XLI. Family Agromyzidae 292 1908
Desmometopa sp. Desmometopa figure of head XLI. Family Agromyzidae 292 1908
Paramyia sp. Paramyia figure of head XLI. Family Agromyzidae 293 1908
Phyllomyza magnipalpis Neophyllomyza magnipalpis figure of head XLI. Family Agromyzidae 292 1908
Milichia leucogastra Pholeomyia leucogastra figure of habitus XLI. Family Agromyzidae 293 1908
Milichiella argentea Milichiella argentea type information, discussion, diagnosis, probably synonym of Milichiella melaleuca Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 511, 536 1907
Lobioptera tiefi Milichiella argyrogaster synonymization Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 511 1907
Rynchomilichia Pholeomyia key to species, genus description Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 529 1907
Milichiella bimaculata Milichiella bimaculata figure of male abdomen Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 34 1907
Milichiella cingulata Milichiella cingulata figure of male abdomen Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 538 1907
Rhynchomilichia fasciventris Pholeomyia fasciventris figure of male abdomen Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 528 1907
Ulia poecilogastra Ulia poecilogastra figure of head, figure of wing, figure of male abdomen Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 544 1907


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith