
Leptometopa rufifrons



Nomenclature & Description

Leptometopa rufifrons Becker


Head in profile longer than high; gena height 0.5 eye height, ventral margin straight; frons yellowred; palpus yellow; proboscis very long; anepisternum bare; male hind tibia enlarged

Species epithet: 
Type data: 

Egypt. Suez

Valid genus: 

Mediterranean, Central Asia, southern Africa


Specimens have been collected on Apiaceae and lucerne.

In Greece specimens were collected in July-October in Malaise and yellow pan traps; 50-1300 m.


Milichiella species description

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Imagery ©2009 TerraMetrics, NASA, Map data ©2009 AND, Basarsoft, LeadDog Consulting, Geocentre Consulting, Tele Atlas, Transnavicom, Europa Technologies - Terms of Use

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Authors & Sources

Citation created: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:46:02 +0000

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