Classification: Phyllomyza equitans
Adults have been caught on on living Dolycoris baccharum L. bugs.
P. equitans has been reared from nests of Lasius fuliginosus ants, from nests of the hawk Buteo and the swallow Ardea cincera, and from dead wood of Fagus silvatica, Quercus robor and Populus tremula.
Phenology: May-September
In the Netherlands specimens were collected May-September in window and Malaise traps and in beer traps in oak trees at 4 m height.
2-3 dc; ventral side of palpus setulose
Original description:
Nun fing ich am 6. Juni in Bisamberg bei Wien auf einer lebenden Dolycoris baccarum L., der gemeinen Beerenwanze, eine kleine Fliege, die ich nach dieser Sitte und bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung für eine Desmometopa gehalten hatte, die sich aber als eine Phyllomyza-Art mit nur zwei hinteren dc-Borsten herausstellte. Als ich meine Sammlung daraufhin untersuchte fand ich noch ein zweites Stück dieser Art, ebenfalls 1 Weibchen, das ich im Juli in Freiheitsau bei Troppau gefangen hatte, sowie ein weitere Stück (Weibchen) einer zweiten neuen Art (P. melania), vom Unterberg in N.-Österreich, 16. Juni.
Bei beiden Arten sind jederseits nur zwei hintere dc-Borsten vorhanden und die Backen 2/3 des lotrechten Augendurchmessers hoch. Im übrigen gleichen sie ganz der bekannten Phyll. securicornis Fall., so dass ich mir ausführlichere Beschreibungen wenigstens vorläufig ersparen kann. ...
1. Thoraxrücken deutlich lehmfarbig überstäubt.
2. 3. und 4. Längsader des Flügels parallel, der Kostalabstand dazwischen nur etwas grösser als der zwischen der 2. und 3.
3. Hintere Querader wenig mehr als 1/2 des letzten Abschnittes des 5. Längsader lang.
4. Letzter Abschnitt der 4. Längsader dreimal so lang wie der vorletzte.
5. Apikale Schildchenborsten divergierend.
6. Arista ungefähr medial stehend, kaum zweimal so lang wie die Fühler (Weibchen).
7. Taster kürzer als der wagrechte Augendurchmesser.
Classification: Phyllomyza equitans
Classification: Phyllomyza equitans
The Milichiidae fauna of the Netherlands is quite well known due to early collectors like De Meijere and currently activ collectors like Jan Willem van Zuijlen. In the checklist for the Netherlands (Beuk 2002) nine valid species are listed and two nomina dubia. The only recent paper on the milichiid fauna of the Netherlands is by Beuk & Brake (1996).
Species with 2 dorsocentral setae and yellow halters: | |
Photo: P. tetragona, male, head, lateral view (Photo: P. Brake) |
Year of Publication | Authors | Title |
1919 | Hendel, F | Neues über Milichiiden (Dipt.) |
1924 | Hendel, F | Neue europäische Phyllomyza-Arten (Dipt. Milichiidae) |
2009 | Brake, I | The type material of Milichiidae and Carnidae (Insecta: Diptera: Schizophora) in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
1927 | Donisthorpe, HSK | The guests of British ants: their habits and life-histories |
1937 | Hennig, W | Milichiidae et Carnidae |
1978 | Papp, L | 72. család: Milichiidae + Carnidae |
2001 | Krivokhatskii, VA, Nartshuk EP | Flies (Diptera) inhabiting bird nests in the "Forest on the Vorskla River" nature reserve (Belgorod Province) |
1935 | Duda, O | Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Paläarktischen Madizinae |
Dear Scratchpads team,
my suggestion for the next Scratchpads version is to see the image of each member not only in each personal page but also in the list of the "participant profiles". In this way is possible to see all the member while we trough the "participant profiles".
I have tried to update the image in this section without any success, than I presume this function is not yet available in the Scratchpads program.
Hope this suggestion will be take in consideration and can be included in the next Scratchpads version.
kind regards
daniele cicuzza
Dear Scratchpads team,
is it possible to change the parameter of the page minimum width in Garland theme on our Open Up site? The minimum is now about 560px and I need to change it to 700px for graphic schemes on the front page.
The problem is if you change the size of the browser window to the minimal width, some of the pictures change their positions due to the site elasticity and shift under the right column menu.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
Jiri Frank
It is confusing that the 'Help' link at links to the Help on the Sandbox (on which the search is not working) and not the help on Is it possible to establish the scratchpad help on with the search working?
We have uploaded specimen data to our Scratchpad from multiple sources and at several locations (we usually call these different data series). We just discovered that in one of these series, most specimens (~600) appear to have lost their "Taxonomic Name" at some point and we do not know why. The original taxonomic name is still visible in the "Classification" field of a particular specimen.
The data series and specimens in question have "UJ" in their titles and can be filtered and shown here:
The tabs in the specimen nodes edit makes it very tedious to check if one has entered all the data correctly.
Bibliographies generally have a hanging indent, which allows to print references closer together, while still having a visual anchor point. There is currently only one biblio style that has that. The alternating line colors in the 'tabular' individual biblio nodes are nice, but also here the line height could be reduced by a few pixels (I guess that is true for all such lists). The 'original' style is rather nervous with the field names too big compared to the actual context, and an odd 'array' label above each entry.
Overall I like the general appearance of the scratchpads, but in general I find that the interface could be a bit more economical with desktop real-estate. Margins and spacers are fairly wide and some interfaces are quite wasteful (especially the slickgrid, onw which hopefully more later). One example is the rather large space after each block in the sidebars (now even more problematic as the slickgrid almost forces one to drop the right sidebar to have enough space to accommodate the table).
We should allow multiple image import with metadata. Metadata should be included in the image (exif) or in a separate table.
I can choose a creative commons licence for an image and have it show up in the Creative Commons block. However, if I have a copyrighted image that I don't want to give a creative commons licence, there is no option to mark this. I can't (don't want to) select a licence, so the Creative Commons block doesn't show up and it looks like the CC licence for the whole Scratchpad applies, which it doesn't. I need an option in the CC block which states that this image does not have a cc-licence and can't be reused.
The Search box on (and the british bryozoan site) has an additional 'Help' link after 'Taxonomy' when not logged in. This should not appear.