
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. M. Aldrich1905A catalogue of North American Diptera
H. Andersson1977Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on Chloropidae (Diptera) with special reference to Old World genera
P. Ardö1957Studies in the marine shore dune ecosystem with special reference to the dipterous fauna
J. Arnett, R. H.1985American insects. A handbook of the insects of America north of Mexico
J. A. Barrientos1995El patrimoni biològic del Montseny
T. Becker1910Dipterologische Sammelreise nach Korsika
T. Becker1908Dipteren der Insel Madeira
T. Becker1907Zur Kenntnis der Dipteren von Central-Asien. I. Cyclorrhapha schizophora holometopa und Orthorrhapha brachycera. Mit Taf. I-II
T. Becker1907Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae
T. Becker1903Aegyptische Dipteren (Fortsetzung und Schluß)
T. Becker1902Die Meigen'schen Typen der sogenannten Muscidae acalypterae (Muscaria holometopa) in Paris und Wien
Becker, T.1905Cyclorrhapha Schizophora: Holometopa
H. Beuthin1887Erster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dipteren der Umgegend von Hamburg
M. Bezzi1921Ditteri di Cirenaica raccolti dal Prof. Alessandro Ghigi durante l'escursione organaizzata dal Touring Club Italiano nel mese d'Aprile 1920
M. Bezzi1908Ditteri Eritrei raccolti dal Dott. Andreini e dal Prof. Tellini. Parte Seconda (1)
I. Brake2009The type material of Milichiidae and Carnidae (Insecta: Diptera: Schizophora) in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
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C. Buhl1961_Meoneura flavifacies_ Collin, eine für Norddeutschland neue Kleinfliege (Diptera, Milichiidae, Carninae)
R. Bährmann2007To the knowledge of Carnidae and Milichiidae, especially of central Germany
R. Bährmann2002Zweiflügler (Diptera) an Baumstämmen: Weiden (Salix) und Pappeln (Populus)
S. Canzoneri, Gorodkov, K., Krivosheina, N. P., Munari, L., Nartshuk, E. P., Papp, L., Süss, L.1995Diptera Opomyzoidea, Carnoidea, Sphaeroceroidea
M. Chvála2008The types of Diptera (Insecta) described by Pater Gabriel Strobl
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R. L. Coe1968A further collection of Diptera from Yugoslavia
R. L. Coe1962Diptera taken in Yugoslavia from May to July, 1955, with localities and notes. Part four
M. D. Coffey1966Studies on the association of flies (Diptera) with dung in southeastern Washington
F. R. Cole1969Milichiidae
J. E. Collin1949Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935, under the leadership of Prof. J. Omer-Cooper. Diptera Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Aschiza and Acalypterae
J. E. Collin1911Additions and corrections to the British list of Muscidae Acalyptratae
C. N. Colyer, Hammond D. C. O.1968Flies of the British Isles
B. E. Cooper, Cumming J. M.2000Diptera types in the Canadian National Collection of Insects. Part 3: Schizophora (exclusive of Tachinidae)
C. H. Curran1934Family Phyllomyzidae
F. L. S. Curtis1837A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged
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L. Czerny, Strobl P. G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag
K. Czizek1910Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna Mährens (III. Nachtrag)
O. DallaTorre1918Systematisches Verzeichnis der Dipteren Tirols
J. C. Deeming1998Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) from the Arabian Peninsula
J. C. Deeming1995Diptera (true flies) from the Kenfig National Nature Reserve, Glamorgan
J. Doskocil1962Dvoukridli (skupiny Acalyptrata) Rychlebskych hor
O. Dumčius, Pakalniškis S.2006A contribution to the list of Lithuanian dipteran fauna
Z. Eytan1992The entomofauna of carrions in Israel: biological, ecological and forensic aspects
R. Frey1945Tiergeographische Studien über die Dipterenfauna der Azoren. I. Verzeichnis der bisher von den Azoren bekannten Dipteren
R. Frey1941Enumeratio insectorum fenniae
R. Frey1921Studien über den Bau des Mundes der niederen Diptera Schizophora nebst Bermerkungen über die Systematik dieser Dipterengruppen
M. Funk1901Vorläufer einer Dipterenfauna Bambergs. 1. Theil
B. A. Gimmerthal1847Vierter Beitrag zur Dipterologie Russlands
E. Gobert1887Catalogue des diptères de France
F. Gregor1971New species of Mycetaulus Loew (Piophilidae) and Meoneura Rond. (Milichiidae) from Hindukush (Diptera)
G. C. D. Griffiths1972The phylogenetic classification of Diptera Cyclorrhapha with special reference to the structure of the male postabdomen


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith