
Searching for a taxonomic name of Milichiidae or associated taxa as well as searching for keywords will find the respective term as well as all child terms, e.g. searching for "Europe" will find citations about "Spain", "Finland", etc.

Name as citedsort descending Taxonomic name Keywords Associated taxa Bibliography Page Year of Publication
Desmometopia nearctica Desmometopa nearctica citation Morphology and evolution of flies’ eggs (Diptera) [in Russian] 99 2003
Neophyllomyza sp. Neophyllomyza chemical attraction, China, pollinating, feeding on dead honey bee Ceropegia dolichophylla, Apis mellifera Deceptive Ceropegia dolichophylla fools its kleptoparasitic fly pollinators with exceptional floral scent 6 2015
? Milichia ludens Milichia ludens Germany, on garbage Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna eines Müllplatzes in Hamburg. 6. Die Fliegen eines Hamburger Müllplatzes 5 1961
? Phyllomyza equitans Phyllomyza equitans Finland, checklist Checklist of the Diptera families Acartophthalmidae, Canacidae (including Tethinidae), Carnidae and Milichiidae of Finland (Insecta) 307 2014
?Enigmilichia sp. 1 Enigmilichia Uganda Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora) 11 2000
?Leptometopa latipes Desmometopa varipalpis larva description Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Milichiiden-Larven 138 1956
?Leptometopa latipes Desmometopa varipalpis correction of misidentification The biology of immature Diptera associated with bacterial decay in the Giant Saguaro Cactus (Cereus giganteus, Engelmann) 39 1961
?Milichia cf. ludens Milichiella archaia Dominican amber Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora) 13 2000
?Pseudodesmometopa sp. 1 Pseudodesmometopa Baltic amber Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora) 13 2000
?Xenophyllomyza sp. 1 figure of head, Western Australia, figure of proboscis Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora) 13 2000
[no species name] Neophyllomyza wulpi kleptoparasitic, on robber fly Ommatius minor Asilida és lovasa 129 1897
Agromyza annulimana Leptometopa latipes type information, synonymization Die Typen der v. Roser'schen Dipteren-Sammlung in Stuttgart 65 1902
Agromyza annulitarsis Leptometopa latipes type information, discussion, diagnosis Die Typen der v. Roser'schen Dipteren-Sammlung in Stuttgart 64 1902
Agromyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis Latvia Vierter Beitrag zur Dipterologie Russlands 205 1847
Agromyza flavitarsis Phyllomyza flavitarsis United Kingdom A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged 239 1837
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes United Kingdom List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum 1125 1849
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes species description, discussion Die Fliegen (Diptera). II. Theil 308 1864
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes Sweden, species description (latin), Denmark Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta 2746 1848
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes type information The type material of Milichiidae and Carnidae (Insecta: Diptera: Schizophora) in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien 72 2009
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes discussion, systematics Über _Cacoxenus indagator_ nov. sp. und seine Verwandten 215 1858
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes Germany Erster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dipteren der Umgegend von Hamburg 29 1887
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes United Kingdom A list of British Diptera. I-III 30 1888
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes United Kingdom Insecta Britannica, Diptera 242 1853
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes United Kingdom, list Dipterenfauna von Bosnien, Hercegovina und Dalmatien 639 1900
Agromyza latipes catalog, France Catalogue des diptères de France 50 1887
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes Sweden Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta 6452 1860
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes United Kingdom Notes on the Diptera of Somerset 119 1927
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes Austria Systematisches Verzeichniss der zweiflügelichten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthumes Österreich mit Angabe des Standortes, der Flugzeit und einigen andern physiologischen Bemerkungen 81 1848
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes United Kingdom A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged 274 1837
Agromyza latipes Leptometopa latipes Germany, France Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères 609 1835
Agromyza latipes Meig. Leptometopa latipes Germany Catalog der Dipteren aus der Berliner Gegend gesammelt von J. F. Ruthe 10 1864
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida Germany, France Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères 607 1835
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida United Kingdom A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged 239 1837
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida species description Die Fliegen (Diptera). II. Theil 304 1864
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida Germany Erster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dipteren der Umgegend von Hamburg 29 1887
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida Belgium Diptères de la Belgique 69 1906
Agromyza m-atrum catalog, France Catalogue des diptères de France 50 1887
Agromyza m-atrum Desmometopa sordida on flowers, Austria garden salad Systematisches Verzeichniss der zweiflügelichten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthumes Österreich mit Angabe des Standortes, der Flugzeit und einigen andern physiologischen Bemerkungen 81 1848
Agromyza M-atrum Desmometopa sordida Germany Catalog der Dipteren aus der Berliner Gegend gesammelt von J. F. Ruthe 10 1864
Agromyza m-nigrum catalog, France Catalogue des diptères de France 50 1887
Agromyza m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Norway Catalogum Dipterorum Continentem. In Schneider, J. S.(ed.), Enumeratio insectorum Norvegicorum. Fasciculum IV 179 1877
Agromyza m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Sweden Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta 6452 1860
Agromyza m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum on flowers Apiaceae Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta 2743 1848
Agromyza minutissima Neophyllomyza wulpi kleptoparasitic, on robber fly, New Guinea Ommatius minor Commensalismus bei Fliegen 201-203 1899
Agromyza palpalia Desmometopa discipalpis discussion Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae 511 1907
Agromyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis Austria Systematisches Verzeichniss der zweiflügelichten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthumes Österreich mit Angabe des Standortes, der Flugzeit und einigen andern physiologischen Bemerkungen 81 1848
Agromyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis combination Die Meigen'schen Typen der sogenannten Muscidae acalypterae (Muscaria holometopa) in Paris und Wien 339 1902
Agromyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis United Kingdom Catalogue of Diptera occurring about Holywood in Downshire 151 1833
Agromyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis United Kingdom A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged 275 1837
Agromyza securicornis Phyllomyza securicornis United Kingdom A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged 239 1837


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith