
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. M. Aldrich1905A catalogue of North American Diptera
T. Becker1907_Desmometopa_
Becker, T.1905Cyclorrhapha Schizophora: Holometopa
P. L. T. Beuk, Brake I.1996Milichiidae
S. Canzoneri, Gorodkov, K., Krivosheina, N. P., Munari, L., Nartshuk, E. P., Papp, L., Süss, L.1995Diptera Opomyzoidea, Carnoidea, Sphaeroceroidea
C. H. Curran1934Family Phyllomyzidae
F. L. S. Curtis1837A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged
F. L. S. Curtis1831A guide to an arrangement of British Insects; being a catalogue of all named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland
J. C. Deeming1998Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) from the Arabian Peninsula
J. Doskocil1962Dvoukridli (skupiny Acalyptrata) Rychlebskych hor
O. Duda1935Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Paläarktischen Madizinae
R. Frey1921Studien über den Bau des Mundes der niederen Diptera Schizophora nebst Bermerkungen über die Systematik dieser Dipterengruppen
M. Funk1901Vorläufer einer Dipterenfauna Bambergs. 1. Theil
F. Gregor1986Celad: Milichiidae
F. Gregor1987Milichiidae
G. C. D. Griffiths1972The phylogenetic classification of Diptera Cyclorrhapha with special reference to the structure of the male postabdomen
A. Grzegorzek1873Übersicht der bis jetzt in der Sandezer Gegend West-Galiziens gesammelten Dipteren
O. A. Johannsen1928Order Diptera
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
C. W. Johnson1910Diptera of New Jersey
O. Karl1936Die Fliegenfauna Pommerns. Diptera Brachycera
F. Kowarz1894Verzeichnis der Insekten Böhmen's
H. Kramer1921Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lausitzer Dipteren
O. Kröber1910Fauna Hamburgensis. Verzeichnis der in der Umgebung von Hamburg gefundenen Dipteren
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L. Papp1985Acalyptrate flies from sifted materials in the Geneva Museum
L. Papp1981Lauxaniidae, Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Diastatidae, Camillidae, Odiniidae, Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) in the Hortobágy
J. R. Schiner1864Die Fliegen (Diptera). II. Theil
J. Sivinski1985Mating by kleptoparasitic flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) on a spider host
P. G. Strobl1910Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren, IX
P. G. Strobl1894Die Dipteren von Steiermark
A. H. Sturtevant1926The seminal receptacles and accessory glands of the Diptera, with special reference to the Acalypterae. [Part. 2]
A. H. Sturtevant1925The seminal receptacles and accessory glands of the Diptera, with special reference to the Acalypterae. [Part 1]
E. Séguy1950Phoresie et role pathogene chez les insectes dipteres
J. Thalhammer1899Diptera
M. von Tschirnhaus2007Acalyptrate Fliegen (Diptera: Schizophora, Acalyptratae) der jungen Düneninseln Memmert und Mellum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Agromyzidae und Chloropidae. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen von 1984-1986 und 1994
A. Ursu1989Contribution à la connaissance des Milichiides de la faune de Roumanie
E. Wahlgren192725. Fam. Sprickflugor. Milichiidae
J. W. Zetterstedt1860Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith