
Searching for a taxonomic name of Milichiidae or associated taxa as well as searching for keywords will find the respective term as well as all child terms, e.g. searching for "Europe" will find citations about "Spain", "Finland", etc.

Name as citedsort descending Taxonomic name Keywords Associated taxa Bibliography Page Year of Publication
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain, in Juniper thurifera forest Estudio comparativo de veintinueve familias de dípteros colectados en un sabinar de _Juniperus thurifera_ L. en Los Monegros (Zaragoza) (Diptera: Orthorrhapha y Cyclorrhapha) 56 2001
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Sweden 25. Fam. Sprickflugor. Milichiidae 383 1927
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Florida Insects of Florida. I. Diptera 89 1913
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum on herbivore faeces, on human faeces, duration of developmental stages, India Bos primigenius, Homo sapiens Filth inhabiting flies (Diptera) of Calcutta City 3 1980
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain Spanische Dipteren, IX 61 1900
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Portugal, on fruit Solanum tuberosum List of intercepted plant pests...July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945, inclusive 13 1946
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain, on flowers Apiaceae Dípteros nuevos para la Peninsula Ibérica capturados en la provincia de Salamanca (España) (Insecta, Diptera) 191 2004
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa inaurata correction of misidentification A Synopsis of the world species of Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae) 22 1983
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Chile Acalyptrata (concluded) 464 1934
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum kleptoparasitic, on robber fly, Algeria Apis mellifera, Eutolmus Phorésie et commensalisme chez les _Desmometopa_ 216 1917
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum citation Commensalism in _Desmometopa_. (Diptera, Agromyzidae) 120 1915
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum catalog, Portugal (Azores), Spain (Canary Islands), Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Baleares) Milichiidae 174 2002
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa tarsalis Canton Island, bred from decaying molluscs Mollusca The insects of Canton Island 311 1943
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum reared from poorly dried snail shells, Fiji Islands, bred from banana and yeast agar, developmental data Musa, snail, yeast A nutritional study of insects, with special reference to microorganisms and their substrata 43 1919
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum catalog, Palaearctic Cyclorrhapha Schizophora: Holometopa 239 1905
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain, on plant Retama sphaerocarpa 096 Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss 2 2015
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum behaviour, milking aphids Aphidae Blattlausmelkende Fliegen 19 1938
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Hawaii Notes on some Hawaiian Insects 317 1945
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag 278 1909
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa singaporensis correction of misidentification Additions and corrections to Bryan's check list of the Hawaiian Diptera 474 1952
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum type information, descriptive notes _Desmometopa_ 2 1907
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum citation Dipterenfauna von Schleswig-Holstein und den benachbarten westlichen Nordseegebieten 77 1935
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum catalog, Nearctic Family Milichiidae 731 1965
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa singaporensis bred from bird faeces Gallus gallus domesticus _Desmometopa m-nigrum_ (Zett.) (Note) 224 1926
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum catalog, Palaearctic Family Milichiidae + Carnidae 114 1984
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Connecticut, on plant Ribes oxyacanthoides, Ribes rubrum Insects collected from the flowers of fruit trees and plants 211-212 1905
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Portugal (Madeira), list Milichiidae. In: 10.1 Lista dos artrópodes (Arthropoda) = List of arthropods (Arthropoda) 333 2008
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum New York Order Diptera 865 1928
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum collecting methods, Germany To the knowledge of Carnidae and Milichiidae, especially of central Germany 8 2007
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum checklist, Bermuda The insects of Bermuda 46 1928
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Sudan Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der mit Unterstützung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien aus der Erbschaft Treitl von F. Werner unternommenen zoologischen Expedition nach dem anglo-ägyptischen Sudan (Kordofan) 1914. VI. Diptera 71 1922
Desmometopa M-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Spain Spanische Dipteren II 376 1906
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum South Africa, on carrion Aepyceros melampus Arthropods associated with carcasses in the northern Kruger National Park 95 1996
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa singaporensis correction of misidentification _Desmometopa tarsalis_ Loew (Note) 233 1929
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Puerto Rico The insects of St. Croix, V. I 154 1944
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum citation La Biologie des Diptères 320 1950
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Ethiopia Diptera (esc Culicidae) 142 1939
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum United Arab Emirates Order Diptera, families Milichiidae and Carnidae 622 2017
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Egypt, checklist A list of Egyptian Diptera with a bibliography and key to families 33 1967
Desmometopa M-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Austria Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag 214 1910
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Germany, reared from plant material Campanula Fauna Hamburgensis. Verzeichnis der in der Umgebung von Hamburg gefundenen Dipteren 103 1910
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa singaporensis correction of misidentification A Synopsis of the world species of Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae) 44 1983
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum on airplane A tabulation of insects recovered from aircraft entering the United States at Miami, Florida, during the period July 1943 through December 1944 25 1947
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum California Reports on Californian and Nevadan Diptera, I 26 1904
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Puerto Rico Insects of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Diptera or two-winged flies 68 1928
Desmometopa M-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Austria, on wayside, on marsh meadow, on loamy bank, on forest brook Die Dipteren von Steiermark 136 1894
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum North European Russia Acalyptrata, part 1 187 1958
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Chile, checklist Catalogo de los dipteros de Chile 142 1946
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum on dry meadow, Portugal (Azores), under tree Tamarix Tiergeographische Studien über die Dipterenfauna der Azoren. I. Verzeichnis der bisher von den Azoren bekannten Dipteren 97 1945
Desmometopa m-nigrum Desmometopa m-nigrum Libya Contributo allo studio della fauna Libica. Materiali raccolti nelle zone di Misurata e Homs (1912-13) dal Dott. Alfredo Andreini, Capitano Medico. Ditteri 16 1914


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith