Neophyllomyza acyglossa (Villeneuve) (Diptera, Milichiidae) kleptoparasitic on Laphria flava Linnaeus (Diptera, Asilidae)

Early July 1994 in Filzmoos, Austria (1355m), I observed a robber fly, Laphria flava, which alighted close by, carrying a beetle as prey. Two flies were sitting on the beetle, one of which was later determined as a female of Neophyllomyza acyglossa (Villeneuve). The other fly escaped.

This is the first record of kleptoparasitism in Neophyllomyza acyglossa. Within Neophyllomyza, N. wulpi (Hendel) is kleptoparasitic on the robber fly Ommatius minor in New Guinea (Wulp 1897, Biro 1899) and unidentified Neophyllomyza (probably N. quadricornis) are kleptoparasitic on spiders (Landau & Gaylor 1987, Sivinski & Stowe 1980, Nentwig 1985, Eisner et al. 1991).

Irina Brake

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith