Revision of Desmometopa m-nigrum from Sun, 2015-06-07 09:17


Larvae are coprophagous and necrophagous and adults visit flowers of Apiaceae (Zetterstedt 1848, Carles-Tolrá, 1995), Asteraceae (Lindner 1974), and Grossulariaceae (Britton & Viereck 1905). Females are attracted to honey bees caught by spiders or predaceous insects (Biro 1899, Peyerimhoff 1917, Sabrosky 1983) and Herzig (1938) observed the flies milking aphids.

Diagnostic description: 

Differs from congeners in the broad gena, triangular subocular crescent and bilobed polished spot on anepisternum.


Head: 2+1 orbital setae, 2 frontal setae; M-shaped frontal vitta subshining velvet black and especially large and distinct because of narrow gray interfrontal and frontal and orbital plates; ocellar triangle usually ends opposite or slightly in advance of posterior ends of interfrontal plates; basoflagellomere small; palpus gently clavate, not large, yellow, tip and ventral side black; subocular crescent large, triangular, polished; gena height equal to width of basoflagellomere, over 1/4 vertical eye diameter; vibrissal angle 80-90, face gently concave in profile.

Thorax: Mesonotum and scutellum dark gray microtomentose, anepisternum with large bilobed polished black spot posterodorsad to fore coxa, the spot including an adjoining broad anteroventral marginal area of the katepisternum; 2 dc.

Wing hyaline; halter yellow.

Legs black.


2-3 mm

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith