Madiza glabra
Larvae are coprophagous (Lyvchiev & Tsankova 1982), also living in bird's nests (Kristofik et al. 1996, Krivokhatskii & Nartshuk 2001) and adults visit composit (Stackelberg 1958) and umbelliferous flowers (Carles-Tolrá 1995, 2004) as well as pollinate Asclepiadaceae (Bertsch 1975).
In Greece specimens were collected in March-September in Malaise traps; 40-1600 m.
Medioreclinate posterior orbital seta short or indistinct. Proboscis longer than height of head. Frons shiny. Gena broader than basoflagellomere. Longest axis of head between occiput and vibrissal angle. Anterior dc shorter than half length of posterior one. Tergite 1-4 shiny. (Papp 1993)
British Columbia to Nova Scotia, s. to California & North Carolina; widespread Palearctic Region