Milichia patrizii
Females myrmecophilous, 'mugging' Crematogaster ants, see
Frons brown microtomentose except for grey microtomentose anterolateral corner, basoflagellomere with ventral angle, palpus and proboscis specialized, wing with a black flap at subcostal break, hind tibia with sharp anterodorsal ridge, male tergite 2-5 silvery microtomentose except for anterior margin of tergite 2.
Head: Eye short and scarce pubescent. Frons brown except for grey anterolateral corner, orbital plates subshiny. 3 orbital setae, middle one much shorter than posterior seta, no frontal setae. Antenna black, scape enlarged, as long as pedicel and strongle sclerotized, basoflagellomere with ventral angle. Palpus and proboscis as in Milichia farquharsoni (see Fig. 18, 19 in Hennig 1952).
Thorax brown microtomentose, 1 pprn, 1 (posthumeral), 2 npl, 1 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 0 prsc, 2 sc of which the posterior pair is cruciate and directed vertically upwards.
Wing slightly yellowish with yellow veins, conspicuous black flap basal of subcostal break, calypter brownish, halter black.
Legs black except for yellow basitarsi, dorsal side of mid and hind tibiae highly shiny, flattened and slightly concave, hind tibia with sharp anterodorsal ridge.
Male abdomen: Tergite 2-5 silvery white microtomentose except for brown black anterior margin of tergite 2.
Female abdomen: Tergite 2-5 shiny black except for brown grey microtomentose anterior margin of tergite 2 and 3.
3 mm
Kenya, South Africa