Phyllomyza claviconis
A black species, somewhat allied to the P. dilatata Malloch, but much smaller, and distinguished from the latter by the palpi horn-like, not leaflike as the P. dilatata easily. (translation by Yuqiang Xi)
Body dark and pilose, thorax pale and polished in lateral, abdomen dark in dorsal, eye red, the third flagellomere round-like hammer shape, arista usually length and micropubescent; palpi long and upward bend like horns, proboscis short, geniculate and pale; all bristles strong, three pairs of superior orbitals lateroclinate, ocellar bristles proclinate and oblique, vibrissal strong.Two pairs of dorsocentral bristles long and thick, marginal scutellar bristles longer and thicker, about twice of scutellum; except from bristles with several rows seta. Leg strong and more seta, legs strong and hairy, fore coxa inflate and dark, the apex with long bristle, femur yellow, narrow and long, rows of ventral seta, tibia getting rough to the apex, tarsi yellow; mid legs slender, tibiae and tarsi yellow, the length of basitarsus as twice as tibia to the apex; hind legs length and thick, femur ventrally with rows setulae, below the tibia yellow. Wings transparent, veins yellow; haltere yellow-white. Abdomen stubby, segment uniform; terminalia small and dome, gonostylus yellow (translation by Yuqiang Xi)
Body: 2 mm, wing: 2 mm