Phyllomyza epitacta
Phyllomyza epitacta is most similar to P. nigripalpis de Meijere, but in this species the basoflagellomere apparently has no white pubescence and the halter is yellow. Phyllomyza dilatata Malloch, which also occurs in Taiwan, differs in having the hindfemur thickened and the palpus leaflike. Phyllomyza epitacta does not appear to have thickened hindfemora, but it is difficult to tell because the femora are flattened in both male specimens. The palpus is similar in both species, but according to the figure of Malloch it seems to be bigger in P. dilatata. (Brake 2009)
Coloration and vestiture: Brown except for yellow distal tip of femora, fore- and midtibia, basal and distal tip of hindtibia, and all tarsi. Gena light brown, all setae reddish brown. Halter orangebrown, wing hyaline.
Head: Eye 1.4x as high as long, gena 0.1x as high as eye. Frons 1.3x as long as broad, frontal triangle extending to level of middle orbital seta. Chaetotaxy of frons as usual for Phyllomyza. Pedicel with one long seta, which is nearly as long as orbital setae, one seta which is less than half as long and several short setulae. Basoflagellomere 0.7x as long as eye, as long as high and nearly circular in lateral view except for slight apicoventral edge; covered with dense white pubescence about as long as base of arista thick. Arista inserted preapically on dorsal side, pubescence about 2x as long as base of arista thick. Palpus about as long as basoflagellomere, 3.4x as long as wide, flat, lanceolate, with short setulae at tip and ventral side, pubescence as long as on basoflagellomere, but brown and inconspicuous.
Thorax: Thorax with brown microtomentum except for polished area on part of anepisternum and katepisternum; 1 postpronotal, 2 notopleural of which anterior seta is nearly 2x as long as posterior seta, 1 presutural, 1 supra-alar, 1 postalar, 1 intra-alar, and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae, anterior dorsocentral only slightly longer than acrostichal setulae, acrostichal setulae in irregular rows, no prescutellar acrostichal seta, 1 basal and 1 cruciate apical scutellar seta, anepisternum bare, 1 katepisternal seta and row of setulae anterior to katepisternal seta from dorsal to ventral margin of katepisternum, no anepimeral seta.
Wing: 1.5 mm long, 2.3x as long as wide. Distal section of M1 about 5x as long as penultimate section. Costal section between R2+3 and R4+5 nearly as long as section between R4+5 and M1.
Legs: Basitarsomere of hindleg with yellow comb of setulae.
Male abdomen: Surstylus bilobate, distiphallus short, cercus with ventral appendix, which is directed posterad. (Brake 2009)